We’ve been busy being featured!
Houzz Article: “The Most Popular Exterior Photos on Houzz Right Now”
AJC Article: "Atlanta couple adds to home to fit growing family”
Houzz Article: “Tell Us What You're Thankful for This Year”
2019 Virginia Highlands Tour of Homes (Dec 7-8th) - 752 St. Charles Ave.
Houzz Article: “Should You Paint Your Brick House?”
Houzz Article: “12 Sunny White-and-Wood Walk-Out Kitchens to Inspire”
We are a family business building authentic relationships and creating lifelong customers.
J.R. Torbert has always had a passion for building. Along with his wife Tiffany, they often found themselves reflecting on their education, past employers, and job experiences. These reflections culminated in a vision of running a construction company that would focus on four pillars: constantly communicating with clients, building lifelong relationships, upholding excellent ethical standards, and fostering perpetual advancement. Since 2008, Level Team Contracting has been building upon these pillars and organically growing a strong boutique construction business.
Our Goal and Mission
To provide our customers with the highest level of quality innovative construction. We value our relationships with our clients, employees, and partners; therefore, each assignment will be executed with honesty, integrity, and fairness.

Broad vision. Careful thought. Hand-crafted design.
J.R. Torbert
J.R.’s fascination with building started when he was a toddler. Then he spent all his time “playing with building blocks and erecting forts out of miscellaneous items from around the house”. Once he got into high school and was old enough to get a job, he went to work for the Home Depot where he dealt with the needs of many local contractors. He was always interested in hearing about the different projects each contractor was working on and he developed an admiration for the work that they did.
After high school, J.R. elected to go to the University of Georgia. His first summer home from college he was able to get his first job in construction, on a framing crew. He learned all the basics in construction that summer. More importantly though, he learned that after long, 90 degree, 10 hour days of carrying lumber, he would rather be in management. The rest of his time at UGA, J.R. managed to balance school and full time employment with a successful general contractor in the Athens area. He quickly became a crew leader for this company and developed a passion for doing things right. During this tenure he was able to have first hand experience applying what he was learning in his business classes to the real working world.
After graduation, J.R. moved to Atlanta and started working for a reputable home builder. He managed promotion after promotion and quickly had several superintendents working for him. As a project manager, J.R. was in charge of all construction activities in four different communities across northwest Atlanta. When the building and real estate recession came full circle, J.R. found himself under worked and wanting to do more. This is when he decided to take advantage of an opportunity to fulfill his long time dream of entrepreneurship.